Find Out Which Method Is More Effective for Your Child
Children who have autism need help so that they can fit into everyday life as well as possible and so that they can master learning and everything else that is needed. There are many methods that can be used to help them, but it is still necessary to choose the method that will please your child the most. The two most commonly used methods are ABA and Floortime. You can find out what the most important differences are in the article dir floortime vs ABA.
ABA is a therapy used to increase positive behaviors and decrease negative behaviors that are harmful to the child. This is an excellent method to help a child acquire social and language skills. Although this method has shown excellent results, there are many critics who believe that it leads to mechanical behavior and that the skills cannot be used outside of a therapeutic setting.
This is why the Floortime method was developed. This method is based on therapies in certain stages. The main idea of this method is to help the child develop the skills in which he is behind by gradually moving from one stage to another. Thus, the child can use his acquired skills outside of therapy, which is of great help for education and for a more independent life.
If you want to provide your child with autism with quality therapy that will help them master many skills, you need to know the main differences between dir floortime vs ABA. Once you know how of these two methods work, you can make the right decision for your child.